The BUM PLAYERS Present " H TI WE GOT TO WOODSTOCK" A Murder-Mystery by TURKTHOMAS AN INTERACTIVE WORLD PREMIERE "WHO-DUN-IT" Produced by the KIWANIS CLUB OF BROCKPORT to Provide for LOCAL CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS NOVEMBER 1, 2, 8, & 9 at 7 PM Brockport United Methodist Church Hall - Erie Street TICKETS: $10 OR 2 FOR $19 Available by Calling David Jewell at 585-637-2398 585-615-6776 or OR at Brockport Chirepractie, 12 Liberty Street 585-637-5398 The BUM PLAYERS Present " H TI WE GOT TO WOODSTOCK" A Murder-Mystery by TURKTHOMAS AN INTERACTIVE WORLD PREMIERE "WHO-DUN-IT" Produced by the KIWANIS CLUB OF BROCKPORT to Provide for LOCAL CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS NOVEMBER 1, 2, 8, & 9 at 7 PM Brockport United Methodist Church Hall - Erie Street TICKETS: $10 OR 2 FOR $19 Available by Calling David Jewell at 585-637-2398 585-615-6776 or OR at Brockport Chirepractie, 12 Liberty Street 585-637-5398