Anytime. Anywhere. Any day... That's when you can count on State Farm. I know life doesn't come with a schedule. That's why at State Farm you can always count on me for whatever you need 24/7, 365 GET TO A BETTER STATE" CALL ME TODAY. Kelly M Lewis, Agent 59 South Main Street Brockport, NY 14420 Bus: 585-637-5358 State Farm TM 1101198.1 State Farm, Home Office, Bloomington, IL Anytime. Anywhere. Any day... That's when you can count on State Farm. I know life doesn't come with a schedule. That's why at State Farm you can always count on me for whatever you need 24/7, 365 GET TO A BETTER STATE" CALL ME TODAY. Kelly M Lewis, Agent 59 South Main Street Brockport, NY 14420 Bus: 585-637-5358 State Farm TM 1101198.1 State Farm, Home Office, Bloomington, IL