ARE YOU TIRED OF MISSING EETH OR LOOSE DENTURES? MINI DENTAL IMPLANTS COULD BE THE SOLUTION FOR YOU! WE OFFER MINI DENTAL IMPLANTS THAT ALLOW US TO BEST MEET YOUR NEEDS! Great for replacing missing teeth or stabilizing loose, uncomfortable dentures. No more suffering from pain while eating or embarrassment while smiling Financing options available OUR IDEAL PATIENT V Missing Teeth Mention this ad to receive V Loose Dentures $100 OFF V Tired of Adhesive Regular Price of Mini Dental Implant Offer expires 10-31-2020 STEVEN J. THOMPSON, DDS 42 Public Sq., Holley 638-5435 ARE YOU TIRED OF MISSING EETH OR LOOSE DENTURES? MINI DENTAL IMPLANTS COULD BE THE SOLUTION FOR YOU! WE OFFER MINI DENTAL IMPLANTS THAT ALLOW US TO BEST MEET YOUR NEEDS! Great for replacing missing teeth or stabilizing loose, uncomfortable dentures. No more suffering from pain while eating or embarrassment while smiling Financing options available OUR IDEAL PATIENT V Missing Teeth Mention this ad to receive V Loose Dentures $100 OFF V Tired of Adhesive Regular Price of Mini Dental Implant Offer expires 10-31-2020 STEVEN J. THOMPSON, DDS 42 Public Sq., Holley 638-5435