AUTO INIS LEBRATE 50 AMSHERS YEARS IN FAMILY BUSINESS SUPPLY CO. Remote Starters Starting $209 FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED SINCE 1969 at 50 Years In Auto Repairs! We are "EVERYTHING" Automotive! Brakes Oil Changes Tires Alignments Suspension Repairs Exhaust Custom Lift Kits on Trucks Lighting Custom Accessories and much more! We can do it all! f Call Today Matt or Ric for an appointment or any automotive question! 15 Elmgrove Park Rochester, NY 14624 585-429-6830 (corner of Elmgrove Rd. & 531) Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm, Sat. 9am-2pm AUTO INIS LEBRATE 50 AMSHERS YEARS IN FAMILY BUSINESS SUPPLY CO. Remote Starters Starting $209 FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED SINCE 1969 at 50 Years In Auto Repairs! We are "EVERYTHING" Automotive! Brakes Oil Changes Tires Alignments Suspension Repairs Exhaust Custom Lift Kits on Trucks Lighting Custom Accessories and much more! We can do it all! f Call Today Matt or Ric for an appointment or any automotive question! 15 Elmgrove Park Rochester, NY 14624 585-429-6830 (corner of Elmgrove Rd. & 531) Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm, Sat. 9am-2pm