NATIONALKARASTAN MONTH SALE Now is the time to save on gorgeous carpet during National Karastan Month LOWEST Sale ends November 4, 2019. PRICES Kamstan OF THE SEASON Hours: HRISTIE CARPETS Mon., Wed. and Fri. 9-5; Tues. & Thurs. 9-8; Sat. 10-4 BLINDS 4414 Dewey Ave., (At Latta Road) Rochester, NY 14616 585-663-5030 NATIONALKARASTAN MONTH SALE Now is the time to save on gorgeous carpet during National Karastan Month LOWEST Sale ends November 4, 2019. PRICES Kamstan OF THE SEASON Hours: HRISTIE CARPETS Mon., Wed. and Fri. 9-5; Tues. & Thurs. 9-8; Sat. 10-4 BLINDS 4414 Dewey Ave., (At Latta Road) Rochester, NY 14616 585-663-5030