STARTING 5/13 OPEN EVERYDAY 8AM-10PM S e Custard ls Back!! n tlonest Meal 5232 Ridge Rd. West, Spencerport 352-9420 OPEN DAILY Breakfast-Lunch Dinner 10% OFF Entire Order With coupon. Not to be combined with other discounts. Valid thru 5/31/19 Great BurgersFish Fry Soups, Salads STARTING 5/13 OPEN EVERYDAY 8 AM-10PM S e Custard ls Back!! n tlonest Meal 5232 Ridge Rd. West, Spencerport 352-9420 OPEN DAILY Breakfast - Lunch Dinner 10% OFF Entire Order With coupon. Not to be combined with other discounts. Valid thru 5/31/19 Great BurgersFish Fry Soups, Salads