Thank You to Spencerport Canal Days Volunteers Our 2018 Canal Days Board o Directors exlends it's sincere thanks to our consmunity We are gratcful for the use of the invelved pruperties, all the commitloe members and the many voluntcers that worked together lo make this another successful Canal Days Event Spencerport truly is "Someplace Special" We hane tried to include all the volanleers for our 2018 cvcnt, in the following list, thaSPENCERPORT CANAL DAYS Were involved this year lease accoopt our apologies if we have missed anyone MAJOR SPONSORS Bank PROPERTY USE: Ferris Goodridge American Legion Post 330 NYS Canal Corporation Spencerport Firemen's Association Town of Ogden Village of Spencerport M&T Hank Chamber of Commerce Westside News Inc. Tops Friendly Markets Village of Spencerport CANAL DAYS VOLUNTEER BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Lori Antonelli-Advertising Chairperson John Krywy Car Show Chairperson David Moore Financial Advisor&Coordistor Glynne Schult Canaligator Race Chairperson Denise Schweers- Winc Tasting Co-Chairperson Greg Schweers- Wine Tasting Co-Chairperson Ginny Swarthout Dircctor Wine Tasting at Everett Winc Tasting Co-Chairperson Shuttle Bus Chairperson Rich Francis- Treasurer VOLUNTEER COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS: Tim Carr- Sct Up/Tear Down Co-Chairperson Nora Hampton Arts&Crafts Chairperson Ray Kantz Photographer Co-Chairperson Craig LaFave-Set Up TearDown Co-Chairperson Dori Swarthout-Entertainment Chairperson Kathy Magin Alicia Saladyga-Solicitations Chairperson Ted Saladyga- Photographer Co-Chairperson ERER VOLUNTEER CAR SHOW COMMITTEE: Kenneth Geil Patrick Hotchkiss Lori Faul VOLUNTEERS: Canaligator Race Daalene Ayotle Car Show cont Garbiology: Kathy Carnoll Colleen Farley Information Booth Set Up/Tear Down cont.i Sahester &G Frank & rank Visca Craig Lalave Jeff Kryw Joann Krywy John Krywy Pat Krywy Photographer Traffic Control: Officer John Bopp Jan Pinto Marty Pinto Dick Simoeetti Devin Stacy Dick Tumer Rass Young Officer Mark Marcello Capt. Hall Niclson Sgt. Jim Schrader Officer Brian Ugorek Chief Peter amboto Ken Ayotte butch Baumon Scott lcale Roper Ressman Doug Spencer Wendy Britton Rita Knigh Dave May Pam May Mike Schwartz Don Sisson Jerry Smuth Table Cleaning and Water Delivery: Vicki Span Craft Committee: Carol Westo Sandy Iricday Information Booth David Haines Amber, Elise&Robert Chelsea Metherell Kayla Saladyga alecn Smith Car Show Robert Mitchel Katie Foote Peggy Jongsma Pat Judy Marchese Scott Beale Dave Couchman Set UpTear Down Wine Tasting: im Car Rex Ahrens Don Doane Lamy Eliot Christian Cordts Scout Troop 92 Sta Allen Sam Lobeno Kourtney McComy Diane Duprce Evcretl & Jelf DeC Jackson & Kara saDenise Schweers Gicorge Selvek Jackic Rympa Jr. Fhil Alicia Salahga Shuluz Cole Tresohlvay Stoven West uropYolunteer Dinner Alden & 11kn Iorguson Pat Evere Rena lenry Ben Kryw VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED FOR OUR 2019 EVENT. Strob Thank tou! Denise Schweers Greg Schmeers Spend as little as 2 hours, or more if you have the time. Your involvement will make all jobs easier as many hands make for light work. Go to w to fill out a volunteer form, email us at or call Ginny at 585-352-1350. We look forward to hearing from you.