"i DOWt koW WHY i Got BaD GRdDe2, MOMMY... i tRieD." One of the most common causes for poor grades among children ages 5-8 isn't from lack of trying. It's because they have trouble seeing the blackboard. Yearly eye examinations are highly recommended for children under the age of 16. This school year, give your child the opportunity to bring home a report card he/she can really be proud of. ADULT & PEDIATRIC FRAMES COMPREHENSIVE EYE EXAMINATIONS CONTACT LENSES FASHION EYEWEAR MEDICAL/SURGICAL CONSULTATIONS MOST INSURANCE PLANS ACCEPTED Dr. Cary A. Kazdan, Optometrist Dr Peter Micca, Optometrist Keith Oetinger, Optician SPENCERPORT OPTICAL 24 West Avenue Spencerport 352-1960 www.spencerportoptical.com "i DOWt koW WHY i Got BaD GRdDe2, MOMMY... i tRieD." One of the most common causes for poor grades among children ages 5-8 isn't from lack of trying. It's because they have trouble seeing the blackboard. Yearly eye examinations are highly recommended for children under the age of 16. This school year, give your child the opportunity to bring home a report card he/she can really be proud of. ADULT & PEDIATRIC FRAMES COMPREHENSIVE EYE EXAMINATIONS CONTACT LENSES FASHION EYEWEAR MEDICAL/SURGICAL CONSULTATIONS MOST INSURANCE PLANS ACCEPTED Dr. Cary A. Kazdan, Optometrist Dr Peter Micca, Optometrist Keith Oetinger, Optician SPENCERPORT OPTICAL 24 West Avenue Spencerport 352-1960 www.spencerportoptical.com