Competitive Rates FDIC-Insured 2.15% APY 3.10% APY 12 month CD 60 month CD It's a beautiful thing. Let me help you choose an FDIC-insured Certificate of Deposit from State Farm Bank® and watch your money grow. Bank with a Good Neighbor. CALL ME TODAY FOR MORE INFORMATION. Dominic J. Agostini, Agent 409 S Union Street Spencerport, NY 14559 Bus: 585-352-0004 State FarmBank Up to FDIC insured limits. Annu al Percentage Yields as of 11619. Ad ensed rates are sub ect to change athe Ban S dis ein The minimum alance i ed0eam he stated APY is $500 (rates apply to deposits less than $100,000).A penalty may be imposed for withdrawals prior to maturity. MEMBER TE FDIC LENDER 1001287.3 State Farm Bank, F.S.B., Bloomington, IL