Ferris Goodridge Post 330 Open to the Public US) LE Join Us for these events... Sun., August 11.. Sat., August 24.100th ANNIVERSARY OF POST 330 CHICKEN BARBEQUE 4:30-6:30pm - $15 Breakfast 8:00am-Noon Music by SHOTGUN PAULY 6:30-9:30pm CHINESE AUCTION & RAFFLE Gun Raffle Tickets sold here- $20 for the Spencerport Exempts & American Legion Post 330 Event Sat., September 28 1-5pm at the Exempts Club. BOOK YOUR PARTIES &EVENTS W! Call Kathy at 349-2420 691 Trimmer Rd., Spencerport 352-6691 Ferris Goodridge Post 330 Open to the Public US) LE Join Us for these events... Sun., August 11.. Sat., August 24.100th ANNIVERSARY OF POST 330 CHICKEN BARBEQUE 4:30-6:30pm - $15 Breakfast 8:00am-Noon Music by SHOTGUN PAULY 6:30-9:30pm CHINESE AUCTION & RAFFLE Gun Raffle Tickets sold here- $20 for the Spencerport Exempts & American Legion Post 330 Event Sat., September 28 1-5pm at the Exempts Club. BOOK YOUR PARTIES &EVENTS W! Call Kathy at 349-2420 691 Trimmer Rd., Spencerport 352-6691