Ferris Goodridge Post 330 US Open to the Public LE Join Us for these events... Sun., January 12 .Monthly Breakfast 8:00am-Noon Sun., January 19. .Euchre Tournament 12:30 Sharp Wed., January 22 .Prime Rib Dinner $22.00 Starts 6pm Reservations Required Sun., February 2 .uchre Tournament 12:30 Sharp Sun., February 2.Super Bowl Party Kickoff 6:30pm Pizza and Wings Donations Welcome 691 Trimmer Rd., Spencerport 352-6691 Ferris Goodridge Post 330 US Open to the Public LE Join Us for these events... Sun., January 12 .Monthly Breakfast 8:00am-Noon Sun., January 19. .Euchre Tournament 12:30 Sharp Wed., January 22 .Prime Rib Dinner $22.00 Starts 6pm Reservations Required Sun., February 2 .uchre Tournament 12:30 Sharp Sun., February 2.Super Bowl Party Kickoff 6:30pm Pizza and Wings Donations Welcome 691 Trimmer Rd., Spencerport 352-6691